September 09, 2010

My Wardrobe needs a Make-Over.

My wardrobe is still full to the the brim of Summer pieces, and there is nothing more off putting, than seeing flip flops in the shoe section or skimpy sun dresses, when it is lashing rain outside.

I haven't done a  virtual wish list in ages, the reason? I always get muddled and its not half as fun. Online shopping, whilst very convenient, can get quite tedious. There is nothing better than walking into a shop, full of New Season clothing and having a good root around. You just can't do that on the Internet.

However, I have put together a mini-want/ need list. I have seen & tried on a few of these items in the actual stores, so I really do like them. A bit practical, perhaps? Yes, perhaps! I am very good at wanting a €1000 bright pink coat, but when it comes down to facts, I would never in a million years be able to afford that, or get away with wearing it two/ three days in a row, if I wished to do so. Therefore, I have picked some Autumn/ Winter trends, that I really, really would like to see in my wardrobe. Anything would be better than its current state of affairs!

Anything catch your fancy here?

1. Topshop, £45
2. Warehouse, €72

Coat/ Cape: 
1. Warehouse, €97 
2. Topshop, £85

1. River Island, £89.99
2. River Island £74.99  

All products from Product Websites 

Follow My Republic of Fashion


Fashion Cappuccino said...

I have my eyes on that lovely tan dress and those boots!! Brilliant! xoxoxoxoxoo

B a la Moda said...

Although I don´t do it very often, shopping with a list is much better and clever.

B* a la Moda

The Dandizette said...

I love your blog and the warehouse dress! I think online shopping is a little dangerous (especially on ebay where you can't return things) sometimes things arrive in the post which aren't quiet perfect but whereas in the shop you'd walk away, at home you let it slid... just me?

dishly said...

i like the pleats on the first red dress with the sheerish sleeves :) and i love the lace up high heel boots!!

yes online shopping is really dangerous, but i do it alll the time ahaha, can't help it when you've got exams to study for!

Anthea said...

Love the boot on the left!

Ginta said...

Topshop dress - love it! Color is so ripe, so good! And tall River Island boot - perfection! Great picks!

ari said...

also on my list: cape and lace up booties. I am also in a desperate need of a closet makeover, not sure why but I feel a huge blah these past days when getting dressed, not sure if it's the lack of Fall pieces in my closet, or that I have been so busy, overwhelmed, and tierd lately :(
hope you get some or ALL ;) of the stuff on your wishlist!

hobovogue . said...

dresses coats and boots what's not to love?

lets see... that red dress. tiers are somewhat overdone this season but the simple boxy silhouette on thsi dress actually makes it interesting, and with sleeves too. so perfect for fall and can be worn so many different ways , dressed up or down ... hmmmmm

<33 [v] hobovogue

Lara said...

Love ALL what you choosed!!! Specially the first dress!

Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment


Collette Osuna said...

Hi dollie....I love the grey dress and the cape coat.....these are all beautiful.....I hope you get a few soon:)
Statements in Fashion

CoffeeBlooms said...

I really like the WareHouse dress! so ladylike! :) said...

Lucky me I have got similar pieces! Hah! :D

thingsIlove said...

Those shoes! <3

Closet Fashionista said...

Oooh yes! Loving it all! :D :D

Rosanna said...

love the grey dress!!!

carglez94 said...

i love the coats <3

Sara said...

I literally want everything in your wishlist!

Unknown said...

Love all! Xoxo

LA said...

I'm crazy to get a pair of high military boots... but I tried thousands and I look like ridiculous for my gross legs! I hate em! :p

Great dress, btw!

Thanks for passing by!


Alice said...

i like the coat!

noone said...

hehe my closet is also still full of summer clothing. I do like the boots you picked out though, they're hot!

Fashions Not A Luxury said...

Everyone's in Makeover Closet Mode now :) I like to leave all my clothes together i like to pick Summery Stuff and combine them with Winter !Perhaps! :) Lovely Warehouse, €72 and Topshop Coat & Boots.
X Ari

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

nice jackets!

Marie a la Mode said...

These are great picks! I love the black coat!

ching said...

the gray dress, knee high boots are love.

STYLE'N said...

Yes, that red dress and those tall black boots. great selections! I love visiting River Island when I come to the UK

La Jodi3 & La Couture Also Known as Jaelin B. and Tiara H. said...

i really like these boots!

Isquisofrenia said...

get the burgandy blouse ,so pretty
i really wanted!

Unknown said...

I really love the items thatyou picked.

Isabel said...

i love that jacket :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I love the jackets and the boots

Mia Bbook

Unknown said...

That second dress is so sweet! It's not something I would pick, but my god girl! BUY IT! It's so adorable. :) Thanks for you lovely comment, as always! I've just done a new post too, if you wanted to check it out. Panda xo

June said...

love the grey dress

Daiana said...

yes! my faves are the long coat and those booties! sassy! as for online shopping, i agree, it doesn't compare to the real deal...


Tiffany Jen said...

oooh, love the boots~

Maddy said...

Thanks for the comment :)
And tell me about it! My wardrobe is in serious need of a make-over. My Mum's promised me a shopping spree soon eeep!!

Hilaloeya said...

thnx for the lovely comment!
my wardrobe needs a make-over too hahah totally love the red dress and the boots!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the coats look soooo pretty!!! The second one is my favorite, a real must-have!

losaway said...

I love the last boots and the red dress :D

devilishlypleasurable said...

boots number 2!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I need to do some fall shopping!

Style, She Wrote said...

Love the Topshop pleated maroon dress. It would look so cute with tights and booties.

Christina said...

i loove those booties!

Zarna said...

great pieces - i love the dresses!


E said...

That dress is sooo incredibly beautiful...

Ashley said...

Um, yes. Yes ma'am. Everything has caught my fancy, especially--you guessed it--the shoes.

Anonymous said...

love the boots


style-haus said...

in love with the grey dress and the 1st pair of boots! they rock

stylenuggets said...

I heart the red dress.

Lee Oliveira said...

Love those River Island boots. They do surprise sometimes with there pieces.


Bijou's Style said...

yesss love everything! great taste girl!


Yuliya Fashionblog said...

J'adore les Boots ♥

Elise said...

I love the boots!
