But, when I saw the August cover of Harper's Bazaar, I realised in another World I want to be Marion Cotillard, if only for her poise, her elegance, her wardrobe and her ability to sing and act beautifully.
If you would like to be someone in another World who would it be?

Marion Cotillard is always demure and just plain beautiful on her magazine covers. Sometimes the clothes don't play a major issue because her beauty speaks louder than clothes.

What do you think of it?
Harper's Bazaar photo from marion-cotillard.org. The rest are sourced from magxone.com
Yea, she is sooo gorgeous!!!! :D
marion is fabulous! she's so stunning!
haha when i was younger, i always wanted to be a hairdresser as i always loved playing with my friends hair, lol. now, i'm not sure what i want to do!
Wow, stunning!
Nice blog!
♥ www.skippinginheels.blogspot.com
She is so amazing. She's beautiful, talented & stylish.
she;s so lovely. i could be her for a day!
i love marion ~ she is so beautiful and talented... nice post!!!!
I think she is soo gorgeous <3 Love her x x x x Great pictures babes x
She is so beautiful, but in this lifetime i just want to be me LOL, love love love, jemina, xoxo
I love her! She is one of my faves. so gorgeous, so elegant. And her films are all so enjoyable.
Saw her spread in the July Vogue, and they are brilliant photos.
Marion is stunning.
I loved her on the cover of vogue I couldn't stop looking! Shes gorgeous :)
Absolutely gorgeous covers! Loving the Vogue one especially!
What a great fun post, I love the issue with Marion.
In another world I'd love to be Sienna Miller, or Audrey Hepburn... I can't pick!
P. S. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Great covers ;)
shes absolutely gorgeous. xoxolannie.
seriously sarah, i totally wanted to be a teacher when i was younger cuz they got all these presents during the holidays from the kids. now i think that when i grow up i wanna be either kate winslet, jennifer aniston or emma watson. lol
I don't know if I would want to be her because I think she was a lot more troubled and sad than she let on, but I would love to be Marilyn Monroe for awhile. Just to get inside her head :)
she is beautiful!
Isabel @ Walk of Fashion
She's very pretty!!!
Ohh and thank you so much for your comment. You're LOVELY
I'm developing my own awards, keep watching my blog and facebook for my details .
Keep following,
Love, johanna
I'm a huge ffan of Marion, she's very pretty
she's gorgeous!
Leightoon Meester I guess:)
I totally agree with you !
I adore Marion Cotillard and really enjoyed reading her article in Vogue!
If I had to be anyone, I would probably choose Alexa Chung! She is just perfect.
i love marion cotillard! if i could be a star, i would llove to be M belluci to be married to V Cassel!
speak to u soon!
Super Pics , super blog :)
xxx Nat
nice post. thanks for letting us know more about you darling
we had "friend-books" that everybody wrote in each others books a bunch of questionnaires that included that question and much more--(when i was about9-13 it was such a big thing-to write in these books) but i remember saying i wanted to be an actress, which i also wanted for a long time. tried it out.- but figured i wasnt good enough. now its designing prints that i want to do- or work with clothes in some way.that is my biggest passion-and i feel like its gonna stay. hope you have a wonderful week
much love
xx ediot
I know what you mean about the whole "growing up" thing. Its important that we try our best to fight off the "real world" and hold true to what we believed in as kids.
& I try not to look at people and wish to be them ;) grass is usually not as green on the other side
BUT haha with that said, we all dream of being someone else I would be Christy Turlington
She is amazing...Beautiful lady with a style and class... I adore those photos:) Have a wonderful day my lovely and see you soon:) The weekend is almost here:)
Marion is just so beautiful, and more and more with the time which is going by! I love her: she is so feminine, and smart and she totally reflects the french Parisian girl!
she is just a-ma-zing!!
I think everybody have been asked that question at some pint, but who really knows? I´ll be thirty in a month and I still don´t know! Your goals and what you want are always in motion :)
she's beautiful!
thankyou for the comment on my blog :)
She does look stunning especially in her glamour shots. I am not sure who I want to be. I have to mix beauty, brains, music + art + acting talents. I have to pick from different women and make this incredible mash up. I also have to make sure they are not depressed off-spotlight. Geez... it's not like it's going to really happen! I think I'm okay with myself for now :)
well, i'm still on my first profession and almost ready for another....
xo chauss
She is stunning and one of the best actresses out there right now. I love these photos!
Hmmm...if I could be anyone, it would be Penelope Cruz. I just think she's gorgeous and I would love her sexy Spanish accent!!
She's so amazing!
I don't really know what do I wanna be hehe
Yeah, the missoni's one is my personal fav :)
thanks for visiting us
Love her, she is gorg! xoxo
she is sooo beautiful,
and thanks for your sweet commnet hun :)
She's stunning!! I have a hard time choosing my favorite cover! xoxoxoxo
Great pictures. I loved the Vogue spread. I wanted to be a clown when I was a kid -- and I think I'd still be okay with that profession! :)
Marion Cotillard is such a beauty. I was entranced when I was reading through her interview and looking at the stunning photos of her in this month's vogue.
I wouldn't want to be anyone else but me, but I think Natalie Imbruglia is gorgeous and wouldn't mind taking after her features
I think I'd like to be Katherine Hepburn...or Queen Victoria. For the laugh.
Marion is so beautiful in a way that seems so natural.
Beautiful! I'd love to be Audrey Hepburn or Audrey Tatou - love them!
This is gorgeous!!
Marion Cotillard is stunning, seriously. Her performance in La Vie en Rose was heartbreaking!
Marion is gorgeous. so nautral
I like her. She has so many faces in one!
B* a la Moda
She is amazing!!
I never know what I want...
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
She is wonderful in every single cover
I adore Marion Cotillard, she is just amazing!
I love Marion Cotillard!
She's gorgeous! Leia's Delights
You're right and Marion is really beautiful !
She's wonderful
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