Do you ever feel like you are trying to balance a million things at the same time? I know, I do! Therefore, when I saw this Vogue Nippon (March, 2011) editorial, I just had to post about it. Balancing a bird cage on gigantic hair whilst wearing Alexander McQueen? Check! Ever feel like sailing away? Sure, why don't you just balance a boat and you will be battling the seas. With not a hair out of place, obviously! To the High Seas, I go! Just like model Karmen Pedaru in this editorial.
I am a not good at balancing things. I tend to walk around like a headless chicken most of the time. But this editorial shows me that you can be good at balancing and still look perfectly coiffed and oh, so stylish. Of course, you have to take everything I write about with a pinch of salt (I won't be walking around with a bird cage on my head, any time soon), but it's the sentiment (and the clothes & styling, of course!) behind this editorial that I love.
After Vogue Paris, Vogue Nippon is definitely a magazine of great inspiration. Are you good at balancing everything together? And are you this fashionable whilst doing so?
So, now I am off to blow dry my hair, and pack for the weekend and try to find something snazzy to wear on Saturday night, and and and and and....... hmmmm, I really need to work on this balance thing.
Images from
I love these! haha :D
Amazing editorial!
Love it!
Great post!!! It feels like women are often expected to naturally be able to balance many things at one time. But I think that this is a false expectation, as I am horrible at it!!
Gorgeous editorial!! I really love the details.. and yes balancing is hard..that's what life is about.. it's always a struggle.
Waouh the hair, amazing, this ed is just crazy.
The feathered McQueen dress is insane! Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures- have a great weekend doll!
fabulous to look at for sure...
This editorial is great..I loved it...Vogue Nippon is truly just crazy...but in the good sense!
loving that editorial, but I don't think I'd be able to hold loadsa things on my head...! :s x
WOW loving A LOT
im so tempted to get that hair colour been loving it! so couture and just stunning!!
great post very interesting!!!
great blog, if you wanna check out mine that would be amazing!!
So now I know where Anna delo Russo got the inspiration from.. or what the other way round? hahah
Love those shots
Lee x
JUst Amazing!THis AMcqueen dress is a dope!!
Such a great editorial, I love the one with the birdcage.
haha, that looks so cool! I love Vogue for all of their interesting art on the pages.
reminds of china when they balance 100x their weight on a bike.
haha :)
Well, that's your job as a model.
sometime they have to wear some couture collection
(you kknow a "strange" dress with "strange" accessories too) so they have to have a good skill
in this balnce thing.
and about this editorial, what can i say??
since this S/S 2011 Fashion week especially during Milan Fashion Week, Karmen Pedaru totally blew me away, and this is why Anna Dello Russo use her as Nipon Vogue Editorial's model.
lol:) i don't have idea about my balance, but i have my yoga routine thought..
so maybe my balance is good enough
in Love&Light
Queen D
theyy are soo funny, but veryy stylish!
i love the big hair!
looks so great :)
I can totally relate to the feeling. I loved this editorial :)
That hair is unbelievable! I gave you a Stylish Blogger Award on my blog, take a look at my post for the rules of passing on the award to your favourite bloggers!
Em xx
lovin' the 'dos♥
I love that you find all these interesting editorials! the hair is out of control!
Its so weird... But it works... =) I love the outfits and the play of colors... Its a breath of fresh air... =)
this editorial is gorgeous!!
...oh, and i'm not particularly good at balancing things myself either!
Very nice :)
Fab post! love what they did!x
Ha ha love these photos. And I love the colours of the first dress too. Seriously, there's quite a lot she has to balance there.
This is on Vogue Nippon? Amazing. I wouldn't be surprised to see hats made like that, but that would defeat the purpose of learning how to balance!
These are incredible! I love them!!
haha, I like the comparison!
Beautiful, can you imagine having hair that big? :)
d e g a i n e
Gosh that's very Marie Antionette-ish!
These are so cool! I love it.
thats pretty cool! xx
looove it!!!xxx
Outrageous and I love it : ) I'm pretty good at balancing things in my life but I'm a Libra and us Librans need balance to function, at least I do! ; )
Haha those are definitely unique head pieces! Great editorial!
These pics are amazing!! I know what you mean with balancing... I struggle all the time.. :) xx
Wow, amazing editorial, those head pieces are amazing! x
amazing, great pics
inspiration is in the air :)
Great blog!
I will come back soon.
If you will follow me, i will follow you :D
Kisses from pepa:X
Beautiful editorial! I wish I were that good at balancing!
i love these! those make a great headpiece lol
Amazing pics! x
haha indeed very inspiring!! i want to find something crazy to wear too, i love the monarch butterfly dress. i wonder how intricate that must be to make!
such an amazing editorial!!
i adore your blog too <3 such wonderful posts :)
following <3
I could so never be a model (for many reasons) as I could never do any of the crazy stunts/balancing acts/contortionist poses they need to do!
Great editorial.
Modeling is a risky profession!!
How are you? Your blog is great and I love your posts! I'm glad that I've visited yours.
Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!
Thanks and love,
Cindy from
wow that must have bee an interesting shoot x
awesome!!! love it :)
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