As for the picture...I just think blog's look nicer with pictures, even if it is my mug staring back at you on the screen. With my beloved H&M dress/top on, a mojito in hand and living in Nice...I want to go back!
Anyway, enough of my complete and utter randomness, I hope ye are all enjoying your weekend. And hopefully with a bit of luck, or an angry telephone call, my internet will be back and I'll be able to post normally on Monday.

Sarah, congrats on the intervuew, i will go over there soon, and I would love to see more pictures of you darling, you are so cute and adorable, and thank you for all the lovely comments, darling, you are the BESTEST, xoxo
Dumb internet!! Congrats on the interview too! I'm going to read it right after I comment :D
Congrats!:) Lovely interview!
Congrats on the interview...
have another mojito for us..
congrats on the interview, loving the H&M dress!
i can so totally relate to the whole internet breaking stuff!
thankyou for the comment on my blog :)
Yum. Mohito. That's all :)
It would be mine
Floral dresses are such a staple
My internet is just as buggered..though think it's more my laptop than anything else. It has this horrible habit of disconnecting for funsies and saying that I'm using a different programme to connect to the server.....need to restart to get it to work. V.weird.
Also...I kind of hate myself for not being a cocktail person- they always seem so fun and tasty- and I'm a MASTER at making them, but I just don't really get them. Pass me a grey goose and diet coke plz.
(that said....that rainbow sherbet thing they do at tgis, other than being a bit sickly after a while is a bit uhmaze)
lol awww I hope your internet gets fixed but nonetheless I like the post, short and sweet
Congrats on the interview! Good luck with the Internet. I feel like I'm trapped in hell when that happens.
♥ V
Haha, you look so cute :)
Great blog love coming across irish blogs :)
Euch my internet broke today as well! Not nice! x
congrats!! cant wait till your back get some inspiration! love your blog :)
I loved the interview.
i love these effects and that drink looks yummmeehhh
So sorry about the internet problem, but Big Congrats on your interview!!!
Boho Market by Giovanna
my internet has been nuts for the whole week as wel !
its delaying my work !
have a great lazy sunday loves :)
hugs and kisses from ..
Lovely interview :)
Congrats and I hope your internet will work again.
I lived 2months without one at home at the beginning of this year when I came back...horrible :D
Congrats! Hope everything gets sorted out with your internet : ) xxx
At the end though, having internet can be fun in a way. Just pretend is was the 70s and make the best of it=)
forget the internet, don't need to write if u're not inpired! :)
Ohh congrats
HAHA! I have to agree with you on the photos, I always feel like my posts are missing something if they don't have at least on photo! Can't wait to go over and check out the interview.
I know what you mean about the posts and photos. And couldn't agree more!
I hope things with your internet connection get better soon!
Lol @ your picture since it's so true! Oh my god, I know how you feel when the internet suddenly isn't working. I would rant for hours since it's my main source of entertainment. Anyways, hope your internet works again!
congrats on the interview! :D love the image!! so cool! :D
Animated Confessions
Sounds great! That's what I would like to be doing right now!
Great interview ;)
Hi :)
We've chose you as the blog of the week in our blog, come to see it.
well done on the interview xxxx
Congrats on the interview! You LIVED in Nice? Lucky! I was there when I was 14 and loved it! So beautiful!
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