Excitement ended when my friends thought it would be 'fun' to lock me in the tent, for three hours. Excitement ended when I realised my Cowboy boots just looked plain silly. Again, please don't snigger! My excitement ended when I smelled the toilets after three hours of continuous use by complete randomers. Yes, I am a wimp-a massive one!
I don't think I was ever so excited to leave the place. However, my excitement ended there also when we had to walk for 2 and a half hours in the sweltering heat, with this massive bag, just to get the bus.
As you can figure out, I am NOT really a festival girl. I'd be more in favour of festivals if there was a hotel on-site. But there never is, is there? I looked like I was dragged through a bush for the duration of the festival. Yet, when I see all these celebrities looking AMAZING in their designer gear at festivals, my heart drops. How do they do it?
One such celebrity who was AMAZING before (at the airport) and during the Glastonbury festival was Alexa Chung. There are no surprises there really though! She epitomises the way I want to dress. However, I neither have the figure nor the wallet to pull off her festival looks. But, hey a girl can dream right?!

What do you think of Alexa's style in the airport and at Glastonbury? My favourite is definitely where she is wearing just the shorts, casual shirt and those amazing Chloé flats. Casual, but perfect!

All images from product websites, or otherwise stated.
Alexa Chung images from justjared and dailymail.co.uk
another FABULOUS post and this is so hilarious, i remember my naivete when i was 17 too, so no snigger here ha ha ha, I love Alexa Chung too she is so laid back and yet cool, happy monday dearie, love love, XOXO
Alexa's style is refreshing and so laid back! And I actually really want a pair of cowboy boots haha!
Ugh ... tenting is usually no fun!
Love Alexa, she can wear a bag of potatoes and looks stylish! LOVE IT!
Please sweetie! If you have a sec, visit my blog and vote me! I'm on campaing! haha
I've never been to a festival, but I doubt I'd like it much either (the very thought of tents is enough to make me shiver).
But I know what you're saying! Alexa always has the cutest style, no matter what she's doing! I wonder what her festival secrets are.
I love Alexa Chung's style, wherever she is! I am not a fan of weekend music festivals. I remember years ago camping in dirt. My skin was dirty all day, we had to use wet wipes as there were no showers on site and I wished every day I could have stayed in a hotel.
Great post!
I never really thought I was a festival girl and your description sounds exactly what I think mine would be like! Thank you for the advance warning... I must remember this post everytime I think "Hey, maybe a festival would be fun".
All that aside, my favourite of Alexa's looks is the first... Love polka dots and the rest are too relaxed for my liking! (Yes, I know it's a festival! But as I said, I don't really do festivals.)
UO x
Shes very stylish! I love her casual look! :)
Sorry to say..but, what a funny/sad post!I am totally the opposite..love festivals and i find camping fun =) LOL
But nways..Alexa always looks very stylish,simple and chic.
peace & love
Love Alexa's casual style and your collages!
Alexa Chung ? The best of the best ! <3
love alexa's style too. i love that denim shirt from topshoP! xoxolannie.
nice festival picks darling. i didnt laught at you- at all. im not really a festival girl either-- the only time i spent more than one night at a festival - i was one week later sent to the hospital- being really really sick. Pyelonephritis.( it was raining all the time- and my clothes never got dry when i was sleeping in the tent- )
and i was at the hospital for 5 days.. horrible..
so not that into festivals ;)
ediot: Oh no thats awful, at least you have a genuine reason for not liking festivals.SD:)
Alexa always has the best festival looks. I wish I could look that good in casual grunge!
I love her style. It's so different.
i love alexa so berry much! she's like gorgeous!
Ahhh Alexa Chung, who doesn't love her? She is truly brilliant, but so is your writing! Had me laughing, thanks for that and thanks for your comment! :)
Yea she looks so great!! Love your recreations too! :D
Love the shoes and the leopard bag in the second picture! x
Ha. We don't really have festivals like that here, but I think I'd be in the same boat as you...my idea of camping is in a hotel. My friend talks about some festival she went to and about not showering for a week and giving herself baby-wipe baths...I don't know about that. Not for me.
Love the Mulberry leopard print bag you posted! I still don't know about this Alexa Chung character. I've seen a lot of blog posts about her, but I'm not sold just quite yet. :D
Your posts are so fantastic...I love Alexa and she has the best style:) Hope you are having a wonderful MOnday my dear and see you soon:)
I love Alexa's style, I wonder how they do it, haha either Coachela or Glastonburry they manage to look flawless but yet relaxed ans super stylish.
I want her secret haha.
Miss M
I LOVE alexa. Thanks for doing a post about her :) xoxo
Aww, I hope you have a better festival experience in the future!
tweet tweet tweet
Alexa is just too great
I pretty much adore look all the time!
I meant adore HER look. HA!
We love Alexa's style!! Wish we could afford that wonderful Mulberry clutch!
Thanks for stopping by, commenting, and following! We feel the love. <3 xo style, she wrote
I've been stalking the style at Glastonbury. There are always such stylish gals at music festivals. Of course Alexa is the top of any list of stylish girls, she really can do no wrong!
Love her style and sense of cool. I'm sure I couldn't pull off that look even if I wore the exact clothes she's wearing :(
I love Alexa's 2nd outfit with the 3rd look :)
She is effortlessly chic!
wonderful! love alexa. so pumped for her madewell collection.
Ah, I need those Chloé flats! They are so adorable and look very comfy.
I am not much of a festival girl either. I just can't stand heat. My hair is super thick, and summer insects just LOVE my skin. It's weird because I grew up in a tropical country. You'd think I'd be used to it naturally. I think the stork just dropped me off the wrong place... I can't stop going to festivals though. My husband is a musician, and we both love music... He doesn't do to well with the heat either. You can't believe how many times we've wished for a hotel, too!!
I've never been to a festival, but I have a feeling I would not much like most of it. The music would be great, but the smell, lack of comfort, and grim would annoy me. I'm with you. Where is my personal stylist who can make me look like Alexa Chung for these types of activities?
love Alexa Chung's style! But believe that only people with charisma can carry simple clothing like hers. If ordinary people like me wear what she wore at the airport will just appear as a girl who's "rushing to the supermarket and obviously have no time to think of what to wear"~,lol =P
love your message and thanks so much for that~!!!!
have followed you too!
NOt a festival girl either. I have never been to one and nor do I plan one visiting soon!...
I loved Alexa in that striped Lacoste shirt. So chic!
Call Me Stylista
she's so perfect, all the time. I'm convinced that she's superhuman. SHe got dipped into some sort of magical stylish potion, so we can't feel bad. :)
xoxo merissa
love the last image where she is wearing the denim overalls! I just adore her style, and great picks.
Love that second outfit :)
im really NOT a fan of alexa but i do LOVE your 3rd montage with the polka dot shirt and denim shirt ensemble! v.inspiring!
I love her style.
Waauw the second outfit!
alexa!!!! i love that girl lol
This look with the shorts and mulberry leo bag is yet a hit !
see U !
Alexa is my hero seriously. I also love her raspy deep voice and British accent :)
Oh god i know what you mean about festivals. I'm not a festival girl either, i think one day, might be ok, but overnight couldn't do it, even if all my fav bands were playing!
I love alexa's festival looks, totally chic and comfortable but so stylish.
Ps- that tablecloth dress from leftover green beans would totally be my dream wedding dress! hahaa so adorable! x
Oh nooooo! why did your friends lock you in the tent?! that's just plain mean. i'm not really a festival girl either except I am I must just love the immense PAIN and discomfort I guess... ho hum!
sparkles x
I really like Alexa Chung! ;)
She has an amazing style. Your sets are very inspirational.
Like what you see may be a trend with protruding pockets?
ciao xD
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