October 04, 2010

I want to be a Chloé Girl.

Finally! I am after seeing the colour of Autumn, well my colour of Autumn. Someone described this colour as camel, but unless I am going mad or colour blind, I feel that this Chloé jumpsuit is as far from the colour camel, that the colour camel can go. This jumpsuit that Anja Rubik is wearing is more of an auburn/ deep orange colour, I feel. And to me, this colour signifies Autumn. This colour signifies the crispy & crunchy leaves on the ground, that only Autumn brings.

What colour/s signify Autumn for you?

Anja Rubik may be the ultimate Chloé girl, but apparently this Chloé girl doesn't walk...she sits, in the front row. And what a show she viewed. The Chloé Spring/ Summer 2011 collection was simple, but the materials that Hannah MacGibbon used were oh-so luxurious. You couldn't really expect anything less though from Chloé, could you?

I just love the details of this collection! So, sit back and take it all in, like Anja Rubik did!

All Images from Zimbio.com

Follow My Republic of Fashion


Anonymous said...

She's so pretty!;)

Ddays Of Our Lives said...

I was backstage of the show today the collection was beautiful, I'm going to post about it, by the way I made videos and they are already online.

Denisa L said...

dark colors:)

Fashions Not A Luxury said...

Gorgeous! Dress & that Autum Color...Reminds of the pretty fallen leaves. Not much here in Miami though. x Ari

Karolina said...

Anja look stunning! Ohh, I love this look. For me dark colours too : )

À LA MODEST said...

Yeah, camel is a very pale brown... You're not going color blind! That is definitely a very rich auburn color!

Marie a la Mode said...

I think it's orange. And i love it! She looks stunning.

Viki said...

she's got an awesome style!!
and the heels from the photo are incredible!


Unknown said...

She is so pretty.
My color is camel..Love it.

original seed said...

this is the first time ive seen this dress and oh my good god!!!

A.E said...

Hey, thanks fro your comment. I am a bit in love with that 'cocktail' dress, really. And this jumpsuit is spectacular, the colour is, as you say, the perfect autumn shade, and so fabulously FULL. Oh, to own some Chloe. :)


Closet Fashionista said...

Wow that dress is gorgeous! and yea...it looks more like burnt orange or something to me :)

Grace said...

That orange dress is GORGEOUS! And I especially love those nude/barely there shoes!

Love Grace.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

That dress is stunningly beautiful! I love it! And my favorite color for this fall is camel...

Skylette from Sequins & Stilettos said...

That is so fabulous - more of a burnt pumpkin, but you're right, definitely NOT camel! Stunning - I'm gaga for it!

Ginta said...

Chloe was the most perfect collection this far - simple & elegant!

Isabel said...

that dark orange is gorg! its def a fall colour...like the leaves changing colour :)

Meg said...

that colour is S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G! :)
my favourite of autumn, I also love mustard colours too

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous gown!
That pumpkin-y color is so lovely for autumn!


losaway said...

Love the colour camel, is one of my favourites =)

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Beautiful dress in the first pic! What a wonderful rusty color!

NOA said...

I love dress!!!! ;D

Belle de Couture said...

WOW! Anja Rubik is gorg, love her...and that dress (esp the color) is phenom!




Sue said...

Love Chloé!!!

stylenuggets said...

I love rich, dark colours for Autumn but sometimes a pop of bright colour is fun too!

Style, She Wrote said...

We want to be Chloe girls, too! That orange dress is T-D-F.

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Wow, the dress in the last picture? Amazing. I love it.
I, too, would love to be a Chloe girl!!

Jess said...

Oranges, browns, and deep reds. Gorgeous dress!

Preity lama Tamang said...

Gorgeous dress..And definitely it looks deep orange to me too.

Unknown said...

She is so stunning!! And yes absolutely agree, deep orange for sure. I love it!

Happy Fall :)

STYLE'N said...

Yes I agree this deep orange really depicts October and fall so perfectly. browns, greens, golds, camel, oranges all remind me of autumn.

evie said...

All the shades of colour found in nature work for autumn, browns, soft dark greens, teal. I also love burgundy for this autumn.
That orange dress is not an easy one to pull off but Anja makes it look so effortless, and even casual. She is stunning!

evie x

ryan said...

I want to be a Chloe girl too! So beautiful!

Beckerman Girls said...

Love how girly and chiffon like this post is.....sooo CHLOE styles! For Fall, my fav color that I can't stop wearing is GREEN!!! hahaa I don't know why..I'm just so into it..khaki, army, forest green....you name it.I'll wear it!
xoThe Beckerman Girls


Johanna - MyShoebox.se said...

This fall I´m in love with nude, tan, brown, mustard, orange, green, khaki tones :)

Unknown said...

omg that dress is a stunner!

(new post: Ethnobraid and green heels & follow me)

lorenabr said...

Love the shoes:)


Collette Osuna said...

SHes GORGEOUS>....loving the rust!!!

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Statements in Fashion Blog

Anthea said...

I love autumn colours. I think tan and camel are my favourite colours.

Embracing Style

Victoria said...

That is a gorgeous dress and I lve the colour, I would call it burnt orange or rust. I think my favourite autumn colours are probably tan, camel, grey, beige and black, but then again that's all I wear most seasons! xxx


stylefrontier said...

anja rubik looks so stunning!
my favourite autumn colour is black, grey and camel

Shanghainese Dumpling said...

Me tooo!!! :)

Lee Oliveira said...

Anja's beauty hurts my eyes... :-D
I love her.. she is amazing and her dress is to die for

Valerie said...

Love the colour of the jumpsuit! The bow bag really great. Love your blog!!!

If you follow me, I will follow you :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, this color is deep autumn and I like its intensive impression.This color wins the competition of the autumnal color palette. later, FashionLifeCoach

Unknown said...

still loving it x

Audrey Allure said...

It's a beautiful dress, and I love the whole range for the season - from the light pale cremes to the burnt oranges :)

rouli said...

anja looks amazinnnnnnn

lovely dress

kiss dear


www.janetteria.com said...

I love Anja outfit!

Stefani said...

Anja is sooo beautiful and that dress is amazing!


the orange is stunning. such a perfect color for this weather.

Lindsey Cook said...

That first dress is perfection!

Anonymous said...

A Chloe Glr wannabe too!

xoxo, http://heelsandwedges.blogspot.com

style-haus said...

meeee to! have always been a fan of chloe. the dress anja is wearing is beautiful...love how the fabric drapes.


Lara said...

Chloé... so sophisticated... I also want to be a Chloe girls XD

Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment



Crazy for Chloe. Love these shots. I want to be a Chloe girl too!

♥ V
twitter: @gritandglamour

luciana said...

I really really love!

Unknown said...

This color kills me! I am really in love with it, I also like various shades of this color like more orangy and red!

- Fashion Forestry