September 21, 2010

Trick 'r Treat.

I have naturally frizzy hair. When I put my frizzy hair into a french plait, the frizziness turns into curls. I like my hair like this, I do. Therefore, whenever I see a model with frizzy, curly, wild hair- I take notice. I take notice and think of my own mop and despite not being a big Simpson's fan, I think of the character Psycho Bob.

 Big hair adds that extra something, something to a show or to an editorial, I feel.

My hair is definitely not as big as the models in the pictures and I don't think I would style it to be this voluminous for the day, but Halloween is coming up, people.... The last time I dressed up for Halloween, I was Pippi Long Stockings. So, this year, if I am going to dress up for Halloween, I might just go as ehhhhhh, the feminine version of Psycho Bob. Just call me Psycho Barbara. Fun times!

What do you think of this frizzy, curly haired look....  a daytime look? Or should it stay on the catwalk/ editorial? Will you be dressing up for Halloween?

Just a bit of fun on a Tuesday!

Harper's Bazzar Spain, October, 2010.

Images from fashiongonerogue and

Follow My Republic of Fashion


Anthea said...

I am all for crazy hair! I am a big fan of hair and like it to be big. I have been very conservative with hair myself, but I must admit I have been wearing it big on some occasions recently!

Embracing Style

Collette Osuna said...

I couldnt pull it off.....but it does look great on those who can:)

Have a Fantastic Day!!!
Statements in Fashion Blog said...

I love Eniko Mihalik! :D

Inspiration exists said...

I have quite big hair and I'm wondering what to do. Certainly I should try it at least for the Helloween :) and Eniko is gorgeous in this editorial!

Victoria said...

I have quite frizzy hair naturally, but nothing in comparison to any of these shots, I once had my hair styled like the first model for a hairdressers training day, it was pretty cool, but being so small I looked all hair, at least models have the tall frame to carry it off xxx


Thank you so much, I love the hair it's so cool!=)

Closet Fashionista said...

I like it, but I wouldn't want to see it all the time :/ XD But Halloween, yea!

Anonymous said...

I am addiccted to this trend. Frizzy curly hairs are and just gorgous. Go for it. later, FashionLifeCoach

STYLE'N said...

I have to admit I am not loving it. I do love the flowy curly, wavy look. But this..not so much. Editorial? Definitely!!

Couture Carrie said...

I have major frizz too!
Glad to know it's a runway must this season!


FashionJazz said...

I have curly hair therefor my hair can be frizzy at times... : ) I am luving these looks! Hope you are well and having a good Tuesday xx

ryan said...

Frizzy hair never looked so fashionable or elegant, love these pics

Abi said...

I love big hair! I've seen some girls during the day with big hair and I think it looks gorgeous!

Daisy said...

Lol "psycho barbara", your funny! I actually love this hair also. My hair is naturally wavy-ish/straight, but sometimes I get the crimping iron (is that what you call it?) and mess it all up and my hair gets all frizzy and big! I love it lol

Serena said...

I love big hair!!

Sara said...

I love it, I love big hair like this, mine is thin and boring. Great pics!

Anna-Lena said...

wonderful and inspirering pics..thx so much for you comment! i also love what she is wearing...great!have a ncie evening!

Anonymous said...

Hola hola.. precioso blog te sigo y te dejo un premio en mi blog espero te guste.. maravilloso post.. xox0

Marie a la Mode said...

I have frizzy hair too (I straighten it every day) and I hate it so I'm not a fan of the above but that's just because I tend to look like a poodle that stuck it's paw in an electrical outlet when I don't smooth it out ; )

Beckerman Girls said...

I love the frizzy hair!!! Love the's soooo COOL!!!!!!!!! I'm a fan!!!!!
xoThe Beckerman Girls

Zarna said...

love big hair! top shop unique killed it on the runway!

i just put up a giveaway - check it out if you have a chance :)


Unknown said...

I love the outfits of Marc Jacobs.

Audrey Allure said...

I think it depends on the person and how they style it. It can look really cool or look really frizzy lol

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

I think this is more for editorial/catwalks.. I can't see myself wearing my hair like that at least!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

I'd never pull this off myself but it's not a bad look. Kind of fashionable.

vdcouture said...

my fave is the MBMJ <3 awesome post!


Hi said...

AH I have the same hair and love it. here's the thing you have to tall plus heels to pull it all off! i genuinely love your blog. Please come see mine

verychiclist said...

pretty looks but I do smooth my hairs every time!

very nice blog!