September 24, 2010

Oh My God! What am I wearing?

One of my favourite pastimes that doesn't include any technology, is looking through old photos. I thank my mother for being so snap happy when we (by we, I mean my brother, sisters and I) were younger, because there are hundreds of photos. So, I was looking through a few yesterday evening and I came across myself wearing a few clothing items, which I would like to see back in my wardrobe.

Originally these photos were in colour (I'm not that old!), but the scanner was being stupid and scanned them in black and white. I actually like them this way. Sorry if they are a little fuzzy, no digital camera in my house back in 1989!

So, any of my toddler clothes catch your fancy? Oh, and do you have a favourite pastime that doesn't include technology?

P.S. I am around 2-4 years in these photos.

Knit Cardigan, £75, Topshop
Knit Cardigan, £55, Topshop

Velvet Cloche Hat, £18, ASOS
Hunter Wellies, Office, £65

Mickey Mouse Diamante Brooch, £35,
Minnie Mouse Robe, £20,

All products from product websites, already stated.

Follow My Republic of Fashion


The Dolls Factory said...

love this post, you were a cute stylish baby

Marina said...

I love Mickey Mouse !!!
lovely post!!

ari said...

this is the cutest post ever. I love the one with the black hat, and the mickey mouse one.... adorable. Now that I think about it i used to have soo much stuff I wish I had now in my closet when I was a baby and a little kid.

Astrid B. said...

This is so sweet!

ching said...

all those are very adorable! oh so cute!

The Wonder Of ... said...

This post is amazing ... baby pictures are a classic!!! xxx

Anaivilo said...

So cute! :D Love these baby pictures :D

Collette Osuna said... cute!!

Statements in Fashion Blog

Sydney's Fashion Diary said...

What a cute post! You look adorable as a little girl. You look beautiful now
Stop by my blog and enter my giveaway for a chance to win $40.00 gift certificate from CSN stores

allthatshewants said...

a fashion baby you were!

Amanda said...

I love the idea behind this post! So clever!...and I've **so** done this: seen my 5,6,7-year-old self in an outift, and thought,"...hmmmmm...where could I get that silk black blouse in my size now??!!"
Haa haa!

The side-half ponytail, however...NEVER makin' its way back onto my head! Haa haa!

joana said...

Ohh only cute stuff said...

Hehe! Super cute post!

losaway said...

This is so sweet =)
You were so cute when you were little!

Queremos falar de música! LET'S TALK ABOUT MUSIC said...

It's my first time here!
Really nice your blog
Oh, I loved the mickey picture! you are so cute!
Have a nice day

luciana said...

how awesome! love the post, such a great idea :) my new blog:

Stefani said...

OMG,so cute!!:)

Closet Fashionista said...

AWWW HOW CUTE! And I love looking at old photos and videos too! :D

Gorgeous Clara said...

ohhhh you were very cute

and I agree, whenever I look at my childhood pics I always find some items that I would happily wear right now...It´s a shame they wouldn´t fit any more...

Anonymous said...

Beauty cuteness. I love to look at old pictures and I must say, we were little fashionistas those days, aren`t we? later, FashionLifeCoach


Love the collages!!=) Ps. Thanks for your comment!

vdcouture said...

oh so awesome! you are so cute back then <3


Skylette from Sequins & Stilettos said...

What a little fashionista you were at such a young age - that hat? I want it to wear today!! :)

Viki said...

awwwwww this post is lovely :)

Audrey Allure said...

Adorable! Love the second look :)

Leia said...

Haha you were adorable as a child!! I have lots of pastimes that don't include technology: reading, playing piano, dancing, singing, traveling, etc :D


Marie a la Mode said...

Awwww Cute post! You were one stylish toddler!

Have a great weekend : )

Diana said...

you are adorable and such a stylish child!!

Couture Carrie said...

Darling photos, darling!
What a fabulous idea for a post!


Iulia Romana said...

:)) Hello dear baby ! Looks like you've developed your style since a very young age.Adorable :D


Mimi.S. said...

hahahahaha the baby is so sweet :)

loved the Mickey Mouse Diamante Brooch and the hat!!!

Nice post!!

feel free to visit my blog

Lila said...

Haha this is such a cute post. Love how fashionable you were as a youngster.

noone said...

lol you are so cute. and it's funny how some things never go out of style!

Unknown said...

So cute.

Johanna - * Gravid * said...

Cute photos and clothes :)

Ana said...

All the photos are adorable! And I also love your picks for each of them, especially the first two cardigans and the cloche hat.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you look so cute!!! So sweet, I love it!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

This is SUCH a cute post and I love this idea!!!

Daniella said...

love what you picked !!! specially that black hat!!!

Kari said...

I love looking through old (and new) photos, so many great memories :)
You look so sweet on these btw!

Jen said...

That's why you should never throw anything out... it'll ALWAYS come back into fashion!! xo

style-haus said...

omgosh, these pics are were one stylish kid!

Unknown said...

Love hunter! Xoxo

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

This is such a cute post! Normally, im looking back thinking the same question, but in a very different way. I was always in hand me downs from my brothers.
your pictures are so adorable! What a fashionsble child you were!

Laura said...

You were sooooo cute!!!

Prutha Raithatha said...

thats such a brilliant idea!! love ur baby pictures!! u were super stylish back then too..!!

Jonathon Pedrozo said...

so fashionableeee when u were a kid


À LA MODEST said...

Oh so cute!! Love that first photo most of all :)

Sara said...

What a sweet post!

Fashion Profiles said...

You are so cute... I love baby pictures... =)

STYLE'N said...

so so so cute!!!

Lulu said...

I love this post!!!!! Children have the best clothing, when ever i see kids clothes i want them!

Cara Gray said...

omg how cute are u x

Grace said...

You were such a stylish kid!!!! I love these post too!

Love Grace.

Unknown said...

sooo freakin adorable!


aw so adorable! especially cute seeing a little kid wearing oversized cardigans.


verychiclist said...

Lovely blog!I follow you too!:-)

dishly said...

OMG wayyy too adorable! i absolutely love this post!!

Sassi said...


A.E said...

Ha! What a brilliant idea for a post, and I love that top cardigan you found. Thanks for your comment. :)

Ninjagaiden78 said...

I love the hat you were rocking back in the day.
So cute.........