September 28, 2010

Fashionably Prepared.

 Dear Autumn/ Winter,

Hope this short post finds you well? Just to let you know that Sienna, Leona and myself, Kate are all ready for your chilly charms. We are well prepared for your cold behaviour. We have fur & big warm woolly coats to protect us. So, if you think you will trick us, well, you thought wrong! No doubt, thousands of people will be on the receiving end of your coldness, but not us. So, scratch us off your list.

That is all for now! Stay cool and chilly. Ta Ta, darling. Love you lots like our fabulous outerwear.

Sienna, Leona & Kate.


I just love these coats, like a lot! Makes me want Autumn/ Winter weather even more. What do you think?

Just want to thank you all for your comments regarding myself getting a job. A few wanted to know what the job is.'s not fashion related (I should be so lucky!). The job is sales related for an electricity and gas company. I am just grateful to have a job, the Irish economy (like many other countries, at the moment) is just absolutely awful. So, onwards and upwards from here!

Love Ya Lots Like Jelly Tots!

All Images from

Follow My Republic of Fashion


joana said...

I LOVE Coats, being warm and cozy in winter, is so gooooood

Gorgeous Clara said...

love the fur coats!

Margaux said...

I did a post on outerwear today too!

A Shopaholic is loose said...

Congratulations on your new job! I guess you´re now totally protected from the cold! ;-)

Hugs from
A Shopaholic is loose

Eliska H said...

love sienna's, i just want to bury my face in it♥

Closet Fashionista said...

Oooh I love these!! Oh coats :D

Sydney's Fashion Diary said...

I am addicted to coats, jackets and anything warm :)
Visit my blog to enter my giveaway for a chance to win $40.00 gift card to CSN stores. Don't forget to check out my blog sale for fabulous items

Style, She Wrote said...

Leona Lewis looks amazing! Love her style.

Diana said...

amazing outerwear - love these stylish ladies

stylenuggets said...

I was looking for a shot of you in a gorgeous coat too! But no matter I'll take these shots of Kate, Leona and Sienna instead. Just getting and keeping a job is the hardest part now, so you did well.

Punctuation Mark said...

i'd love to get a wonderful faux fur coat... they're so cool!!!

Jonathon Pedrozo said...

I didnt like leona lewis style... too simple, nothing interesting. KATE MOSS (as usual) looking fashionable and gorgeous!!!


Collette Osuna said...

LOVE Leonas look...these are all great..and Yes, cold weather was here in MI today....almost too cold for me:(

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Statements in Fashion Blog

style-haus said...

you have such a great & positive attitude about everything that i'm sure you'll do great in your new position! this letter to fall/winter is so cute...looking fwd to colder weather myself. i'm really digging the mult-color fur jackets (e.g. kate moss). hopefully i'll find an amazing faux fur one!

Eydie Harlow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eydie Harlow said...


ohhh in my country we're in spring.. u.u
the fashion is always late here :(

Grace said...

That Isabel Mirant Kate is wearing!

Love Grace.

kaitlin monroe said...

lovely post, i love fur coats as well. faux fur of course!! faux is the way to go after all

Johanna - said...

Love Leona Lewis´s look!

Manuella said...

great post and very inspirational :)! we all love fur coats ♥♥♥

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

loving the pics - hope you're gona snag yourself a fur (or faux) something x

Anthea said...

Loving the coats!

Embracing Style said...

Gorgeous coats!

Leia said...

They all look great and so cozy!


vdcouture said...

totally awesome <3


Queremos falar de música! LET'S TALK ABOUT MUSIC said...

I loved Leona's look!
Is wonderful!
Have a nice day

Romany said...

Ooh I like Leona's coat (the only non-fur, hehe - not a big fan of fur to be honest, despite its warmth)!
Congratulations on getting a job, once again. :) I really hope it all goes well for you.
Oh so you're Irish? That's so cool. An Irish guy came into my work last week (I work as a receptionist at a medical clinic), and he was sooo cute. That's one hell of an accent you guys have got. ;)

Anonymous said...

The fur jacket of Kate Moss looks stunning, not sure if the colors are the reasons or just the fact, that Kate is wearing it. later, FashionLifeCoach

Lee Oliveira said...

I must say that I am obsessed with Kate Moss.. very stylish fur jacket

Shanghainese Dumpling said...

I love fur coats too, Australia is never cold enough... I owned one of those coat when I was 7 or 8 still living in Shanghai, I think mine was rabbit's fur, my mum used to let me wear it when Winter comes or during Chinese New Year, it's such a classic....

Winnie said...

Oh I soooo nearly bought a fur scarf would totally update my winter wardrobe.

Sassi said...

this is right. I love those coats and fake fur everywhere - the autumn can begin now :D

Unknown said...

Love coats! xoxo

losaway said...

Lovely coats =)

Ddays Of Our Lives said...

I don't like fur very much but this Isabel Marant coat is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures, but the be honest I am not a big fan of fur even it is fake.

Anonymous said...

So great! <3

Marie a la Mode said...

I love Leona's coat!

I, too wish I could work in Fashion but alas I don't, I work in an industry like yours!

Unknown said...

i love....

amazing pics


noone said...

I love fuzzy coats, I just got a fuzzy hat on the weekend!

Isabel said...

i LOVE the bag sienna is carrying..its gorg!

Anna-Lena said...

wonderful post!!! gorgeous!! i love fur...i looking forward to get out my fake-fur-leo-jacket..:o)..have a nice week! hugs

Andrés Corella said...

Coats are awesome...its a shame thought that in my country if you wear one of those you would melt or at least be a walking sauna...on a positive note it could help one loose few pounds hahaha

Laura said...

Very cute post dear!

Jess said...

Those fur coats are fabulous!! I want!


Francesca said...

congrats on getting the job! i'd kill for any job right now..
i'm looking forward to big coats this winter too :)

dotie said...

I'm completely smitten over Kate's Isabel Marant's to die for :)

eclectic du jour

Anonymous said...

Such pretty coats! I love them too.

Marinka said...

kate moss vest is so nice

JMay said...

Oh my, I want all of those in my closet like now :)

Zarna said...

oo i love kate moss's jacket! its so bold!


Marta said...

such brilliant inspiration! i simply adore kate moss' style - she is incredible! said...


Couture Carrie said...

So chic!
Loving fur coats!


Unknown said...

love the pic of leona Lewis xxxx

pancakestacker said...

My trip has taken me to the east coast where it has started to rain. Fall is definitely here! These warm coats would be perfect here!

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

These photos are great. And I can echo your sentiments! I love layers, jackets, wools, furs, etc and I can't wait to pile them all on top of me.
Congrats on having the job! It is difficult to find employment here too. While my job is not fashion related either, I think we have a commonality in using blogs to get our fix.

Audrey Allure said...

Such gorgeous coats!

ari said...

amazing outerwear pieces!! loving all of them, not sure if I like the faux fur better , or the cape like coat leona is wearing. All i know that I wish our weather here in LA permited us to wear any type of outer wear, as I type my AC is on full blast!

Sue said...

I love them all!!!